MOtion is life

Bottom Line:

We live in a society which promotes activities proven to result in postural distortions.  From early use of cell phones and tablets to heavy backpacks and computers, our children and teens are subject to many causes of imbalances during their growing years.  Since they are so young, the early signs are often overlooked, but begin to manifest as pain, tightness, stress, headaches and menstrual problems.  Again, the causes are commonly disregarded.  Unfortunately, it is these early stressors which compile over time and lead to the chronic neck and back problems which are experienced by 80% of people.  Early detection and correction by a Doctor of Chiropractic trained in such correction and rehabilitation can make all the difference for your family.

Why it Matters:

Most people have not put any thought into it, but postural imbalances begin as early as the toddler phase and even during the birth process.  Think about the tight squeeze through the birth canal and all of the falls a toddler endures while learning to walk.  These falls affect the alignment of your child’s sacrum, hips and pelvis which serve as the foundation to their spine.  If the foundation of your house settles, even a new house will have significant problems.  As your toddler becomes a child, they are receiving tablets and cell phones much earlier in life than is recommended by mental health professionals, but also earlier than is recommended by those with expertise in structural health. 

Cell phones and video games generally place our child in positions which cause them to look down for long periods of time.  Just like a plant in your house placed in an awkward location in relationship to the sunshine, your child and teen’s posture will form in response to the repetitive situation of looking down at their devices. 

While they are particularly young, it is likely these things are overlooked.  However, by the time they are teenagers their muscular systems are more developed and it is likely they will experience symptoms such as tight shoulder muscles, headaches as well as neck or lower back discomfort.  Additionally, for the teenage female, problems with menstruation are more commonly related to their structure than you may think.  Unfortunately, these body signals are often overlooked once again because the teen is so young. 

The effects of postural distortions have been well known for centuries.  Senior adults commonly have forward head posture, rounded shoulders and sometimes a hunched back or even a shoulder hump.  These problems slowly progressed biomechanically over the course of decades.  Such postural concerns affect breathing, balance and their overall health.

Next Steps: 

Maybe your first step is to take charge as the “posture evaluator” in your house.  Perform The Posture Self Test for your family members.  Those who answer yes to any of the questions should make an appointment for postural evaluation and professional recommendations for corrective measures.

As always, early detection is the best defense against future problems.  Our office is happy to test and provide feedback regarding the postural concerns for your family whether it is a small child, teenager, parents or great-grandparents.  Your Doctor of Chiropractic is the only professional who is trained in early detection and correction of spinal misalignments, postural deviations and the Vertebral Subluxation Complex.

Your structure is the vehicle which carries you through this life.  You only get one, you are going to use it and you will likely abuse it.  So it is a good idea to be proactive when it comes to taking care of your structure along the way.

Dr. Brent G. Hextell, DC, CSCS

Dr. Brent G. Hextell is a Doctor of Chiropractic with a Degree in Biomedical Engineering and a focus in Musculoskeletal Biomechanics.  Dr. Hextell is dedicated to providing you with the absolute best in Sports Biomechanics and Family Wellness Care.  So take a moment today to discuss with Dr. Hextell any concerns you may have regarding your family’s overall health and wellness.  If you are new to our practice and would like to request an appointment, please fill out the form below and someone will get back to you shortly.


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8:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm Two Weeks per month