MOtion is life

Bottom Line:

In this day and age, adults enjoy sports participation as much as the younger generations.  Whether it is athletic competition or a passion for trail running, Coloradoans enjoy an active lifestyle.  Unfortunately, the weekend warrior athlete often underestimates the need for recovery techniques which are critical to support their passion for sport.  As your soft tissues undergo repetitive stress, they approach tissue tolerance and eventually exceed that tolerance.  This is of particular concern for athletes in their adult years. 

So how can you stay healthy and prevent injury as a weekend warrior?

Taking proactive steps during the week to stay well can directly impact your ability to keep enjoying your weekend sports.  Consider recovery techniques such as routine chiropractic visits, rehabilitative exercises, massage and cupping or dry needling in addition to icing and stretching post activity.

Why it Matters:

Weekend sports activities such as basketball or softball games may last a few hours.  Hiking, biking and trail running may be similar or much more time.  4-6 hours of sports participation on the weekend may seem like a lot, but it is minimal compared to the 40 hour work week and 10-20 hours of driving time during the week. 

This is why proactive steps are so important.  If routine exercise is an important part of your life, routine recovery steps so you many enjoy your physical activity is critical.  Stretching to improve your mobility, strengthening to improve your support, and moving through your entire range of motion can all help you feel more energized each day and potentially reduce your risk of injury on the weekends.  Your Doctor of Chiropractic can help guide you through a quality stretching and exercise routine during your routine office visits which are designed to help keep your moving parts moving well so they do not break down as quickly.

Did you know…

  • Regular exercise during the week may help reduce your risk of injury on the weekends.
  • At least 75 minutes of vigorous exercise is recommended each week.
  • Weekend warriors have a 40% lower risk of experiencing an adverse event as a result of cardiovascular disease.

Next Steps: 

Getting older doesn’t mean you need to stop playing sports.  You simply need to be smart about your approach.  Mild adjustments in your lifestyle and daily routine can make all the difference.  Building new healthy habits takes time.  So be patient and make your changes one step at a time.  You can use your smart watch or other health apps to remind you to stretch, drink water, get up and move throughout your day.  The SKED app is a wonderful tool my office has to help patients manage their appointments and stay on track with their structural health. 

Small steps, one at a time, will help you maintain a balance of stretch, endurance and structure that will help you continue to enjoy your weekend warrior activities for many years to come.

If you would like help in getting started, a Structural Fingerprint Exam is a great way to find risk factors for injury before the injury attacks.  Use the form below to make an appointment with Dr. Hextell today and take the next step in predicting and preventing injuries so you can perform at your highest level and enjoy the activities you love!

Science Source(s): 

The Underappreciated Health Benefits of Being a Weekend Warrior. Harvard Health Publishing. 2017.

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